2020 Vision

Hello Friends,

Welcome to 2020 at Mountain Holiday! As we start a new decade we are so excited to be doing it with you. As we look back and see how far we have come in just three short years, it’s amazing! We couldn’t have done any of it without you. We strive to have products that are artful, unique, meaningful, and worthy of being stocked in our store. We want to bring convenience, quality, and a great price point to our customers. Mountain Holiday is a business made up of family, friends, and community. We care as much about our work as we do each other. So for us, business is personal. It is with great appreciation that we have been given such a unique opportunity to serve our community. Our staff can turn special moments you wish would last forever, into personalized gifts that will serve as physical reminders that bring joy and meaning to your hearts for a lifetime. We hope you will continue to share in a dream that is coming true each day! We will continue to introduce new collections that stand out from the crowd, make moments last, decorate your home, and help you tell your friends and family how much you love them. Thank you again, from all of your friends at Mountain Holiday.